A corporate film tells the story of your company starting with its core philosophy, identity, history, infrastructure, production units and services along introducing the team with client testimonials. As soon as the script is ready, the Production Phase starts with “Animation, Graphics, Special Effects & Compositing”, following the Post-Production phase involving “Digital Capturing, Editing, Final Mastering, Music Design and Narration” before outputting the compilation in a format suitable for screening, DVD and/or web streaming.
Impactful films are a great marketing tool. We design and produce innovative, engaging videos that attract visitors, build brand enthusiasm and spread virally through social media channels. They make you stand out from the crowd. Our well-thought-of concepts, effective visuals and gripping illustrations create films that not only convey the key message of your brand, but never fail to make an everlasting impression! Use it during your business conventions, as a sales tool in your retailer pitch or spread out your product videos via email to your recent customers. Our goal is profiling your product in a positive way and convincing your audience that it is worth buying.